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Surah Mulk PDF Download – Surah Al Mulk Read Online

Surah Mulk PDF

Looking for Surah Mulk PDF Or Read Online? You can find it here. Surah Mulk is the 67th surah of the Quran and is one of its shortest surahs. The surah has 30 ayat. It is a Makki surah, meaning that it was revealed in Mecca. The surah is also known as Suratul-Mulk (The Sovereign). In this blog post, you will be able to read Surah Al Mulk online as well as download the Surah Mulk PDF.

Surah Mulk Recite Online

Surah Mulk is a powerful surah that offers protection from the punishment of the grave. The surah was revealed at a time when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was facing intense persecution. The Quran says in Surah Mulk, “Indeed, your Lord is full of mercy. If He wills, He could destroy you and replace you with better people than you. Surah Mulk is a reminder that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, Allah is in control. We must have faith that He will never leave us alone.

Download: Surah Mulk PDF

NameSurah Al Mulk
Number of Words337
PurposeTo emphasize the power and majesty of Allah, and to warn of the consequences of rejecting His message.

Read More: Surah Kahf PDF

Benefits of reciting Surah Al Mulk

There are many benefits of reciting Surah Al Mulk. Some of these benefits are:

  1. The Quran says that Surah Mulk will protect us from the punishment of the grave.
  2. Surah Mulk is a reminder that Allah is in control and we should have faith in Him.
  3. Reciting Surah Mulk can help us develop a deeper relationship with Allah.
  4. Surah Mulk can help us to overcome our fears and worries.

Surah Mulk Wazifa

The Surah Mulk Wazifa is a powerful way to seek protection from the punishment of the grave. The wazifa involves reciting Surah Mulk 11 times after every prayer. It is recommended that you perform this wazifa for 40 days.


In conclusion, Surah Al Mulk is a powerful surah that offers protection from the punishment of the grave. The Surah Mulk Wazifa is a powerful way to seek protection from the punishment of the grave. If you are looking for Surah Al Mulk Read Online, you can find it here. You can also download the Surah Mulk PDF. May Allah grant us all the benefits of reciting Surah Al Mulk. Ameen. Surah Mulk Read Online – Surah Mulk PDF Download Now!


What are the total verses in surah Mulk?

The Surah Mulk has 30 verses.

What is the English translation of Surah Mulk?

“Sovereignty” is the English translation of Surah Mulk.

When was Surah Mulk revealed?

Surah Mulk was revealed in Mecca.

Is Surah Mulk in the Quran?

Yes, Surah Mulk is the 67th Surah of the Quran.

How long does it take to read Mulk?

The best time to read Surah Mulk is at night before going to sleep.

How many times should I recite Surah Mulk?

It is recommended that you recite Surah Mulk 11 times after every prayer.

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