Namaz e Taraweeh Ki Dua

Namaz e Taraweeh, also known as Salatul Taraweeh, is a special prayer performed by Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan. It is an additional prayer that is performed after the Isha prayer and is considered to be one of the most important and rewarding prayers of Ramadan. Muslims all over the world gather in mosques and homes to offer this prayer during the month of Ramadan.

Namaz e Taraweeh Ki Dua

Dua or supplication is an essential part of every Muslim’s worship. It is an act of communication between the believer and his Creator. Dua can be made in any language, but the most common language for dua is Arabic, the language of the Holy Quran. Dua can be made at any time and in any place, but there are certain times and places where dua is more likely to be accepted.

In conclusion, the Taraweeh prayer is an important part of Ramadan worship, and the duas recited during this prayer are a way of seeking Allah’s forgiveness, guidance, and mercy. The Taraweeh dua is recited after every four rakats and is a way of expressing humility and seeking forgiveness from Allah. May Allah accept our prayers and grant us His mercy and forgiveness. Ameen.